Cricket and Worms For Sale


Crickets and Worms For Sale


Fast FedEx Shipping

Because the crickets and worms are coming to you alive and healthy, we do not like anything to be in transit for more than two days. After your order is shipped, you will be emailed a confirmation and tracking number so that you can see when it will arrive.

Farm Raised Quality Feeders

We deliver farm raised live crickets to your home or pet store. We ship throughout the United States and offers bulk crickets of all sizes

Personal Customer Service Guarantee is a family-owned business, committed to providing an excellent product, competitive prices, and outstanding service.

Safe Shipping in both Summer & Winter

Our goal is to deliver crickets and worms to you that are always both alive and healthy. Sometimes this may mean adjusting shipping days due to cold weather, and it’s often situational.


Live Delivery Guarantee

Our goal is to deliver crickets and worms to you that are always both alive and healthy. Sometimes this may mean adjusting shipping days due to cold weather, and it’s often situational.

Great Protein Source

Just about every reptile enjoys live crickets. Crickets are a great protein source for their diets and are full of natural appeal. Crickets have a lifespan of about 8 to 10 weeks.

Best Crickets and Worms

Our farm’s climate-controlled environment produces healthy feeder insects delivered straight to your door. Add variety to your reptile’s diet with our Acheta domesticus breed of crickets and plump, juicy worms.

High Quality Crickets & Worms

Our crickets come from a cricket farm that is celebrating many years in business. We have been doing this a long time, and we know what it takes to put out a quality product. We promise you’ll get quality crickets at competitive prices from us. We also offer a live delivery guarantee. Take a look around our website, and get to know some more about us. We look forward to doing business with you soon!

Crickets and Worms For Sale

Your #1 Online Shop for Quality Crickets & Worms!

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Based on 21 reviews

**Due to the Extreme Weather, we are temporarily experiencing shipping delays and suspending the live arrival guarantee on all orders.

 We strongly encourage Priority overnight shipping to increase the chances of alive arrival

IMPORTANT:  Crickets will go dormant in cold weather and might appear dead when they arrive.  It is best to bring the box inside and do not open it for 2-3 hours, letting the crickets warm-up and come out of their dormant state.  Then open the box and transfer the crickets to their new container.