Dietary Pet Bird Tips For a Healthy Life

Birds are great companions and relatively easier to look after. However, their diet is often overlooked. Dietary pet bird tips are essential for your bird’s health and well-being to keep in mind when feeding your pet bird.

Dietary Pet Bird Tips For a Healthy Life

1. Feed them a variety of foods

Just like human beings, birds need a balanced diet to stay healthy. Be sure to offer your bird a variety of foods, including live mealworms, seeds, pellets, fruits, and vegetables. Observe your bird’s eating habits and ensure they get the nutrients they need. Before you start adding new foods to their diet, check with your avian vet first.

2. Avoid processed foods

Most people rely on canned worms and other packaged foods for their bird’s diet. However, these foods are often processed and lack the nutrients your bird needs. Live food has plenty of advantages. For instance, feeding your parakeet live mealworms provides them more protein and calcium than canned ones.

3. Give them fresh water daily

Birds need fresh water every day to stay hydrated. Change their water at least once a day and more often if it gets dirty. You can use a bottle or bowl, but ensure the bowl is shallow enough so your bird doesn’t drown. There are plenty of creative ways to give your bird fresh water, so get creative! Also, live food has a high moisture content which will help keep your bird hydrated.

4. Do not overfeed them

Birds don’t overeat like other pets, but that does not mean you can overfeed them. Some other dietary pet bird tips include to provide your bird with as much food as it can eat in one sitting. Then, remove any leftover food so it does not spoil. If you are unsure how much to feed your bird, ask your avian vet for guidance.

5. Get them to hunt their food

Birds in their natural habitat spend a lot of time looking for food. As a pet, they do not have to work as hard to find their meals. To keep your bird active and engaged, include live food in its diet. Live mealworms and other crawling insects are a great way to get your bird moving and foraging for food. The activity can mentally stimulate your bird and reduce boredom.

6. Ensure they have a calcium-rich diet

Other dietary pet bird tips include calcium-rich diet is essential for your bird’s health. It helps them develop strong bones and muscles and prevents egg binding. In addition to the food you offer, consider giving your bird a calcium supplement. You can sprinkle it on their food or give it to them in a liquid form.

7. Avoid foods that are high in fat

While birds need fat in their diet, too much can lead to obesity and other health problems. Thus, avoid feeding your bird fatty foods such as chips, crackers, and nuts. Instead, opt for healthier options such as live food and fruits.

Crickets and Worms – Dietary pet bird tips 

Crickets and Worms dietary pet bird tips include live mealworms and super worms that are excellent sources of nutrition for your pet bird. Live food is high in protein, calcium, and other essential nutrients. In addition, they are a great way to keep your bird active and engaged. Order your choice of live food for your feathered friend today!

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